Upcoming events

Our annual events

Explore our upcoming Society events for Catholics in law.

Members only
All welcome
Easter Lecture & Reception

Our annual keynote address takes place during Eastertide and is given by a leading public figure, followed by drinks and canapes or dinner for members of the Society and their guests. Recent speakers include The Baroness Nuala O’Loan DBE, Alderman Vincent Keaveny, CBE, KStJ, KCSG, KGCHS, Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali, Fraser Nelson and the Rt. Hon. Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Members only
All welcome
Summer Reception

This popular event takes place near the feast day of St Thomas More and St John Fisher. The Summer Reception is a fantastic opportunity for society members and their guests to enjoy a relaxing social evening. For many years Charles Russell Speechlys have hosted the summer reception on their stunning roof terrace.

Members only
All welcome
Annual Red Mass

A centuries-old tradition, the Red Mass is a votive Mass of the Holy Spirit offered on the first day of the new legal year each October in Westminster Cathedral with music from the world-famous choir. Before the Reformation, the Red Mass took place at Westminster Abbey. It revived in 1893 and eventually moved to the Cathedral. Other common law jurisdictions adopted the Red Mass tradition, notably the United States of America, where the President attends. Judges, counsel and solicitors attend in court dress. The scarlet robes worn by High Court judges and the use of scarlet vestments for votive Masses of the Holy Spirit give the Red Mass its name.

Members only
All welcome
Advent Service

The Society's Advent Service, featuring music and readings, offers a moment of reflection before the festive season. It takes place in early Advent at St Etheldreda's Church, Ely Place, Holborn. The choir performs a traditional Advent liturgy followed by Benediction. The evening concludes with a reception and dinner in the historic crypt under St Etheldreda’s or another local venue.

Join us as a member

Our events are for members, who are encouraged to bring guests. 

Increasing our membership is important because it widens our network and helps us to cover our costs.

If you are interested in our events or have attended as a guest, why not join as a member?